MC2 612


MC2 612 Private (See Notes) M.C.I. MC261/051986SOLD602-To Hustlebus Ltd 4/79; "Thought you might be interested to know that I have owned MC2 Serial # 612 since 1990. It was sold by Hustle Bus to Ron Colman (deceased) in Duncan around 1986. He converted it into a beautiful motorhome with solid oak interior and I purchased it from him. It still has the original 1961 bus look but with heavy tinted windows and mirror finish stainless bay doors as well as HM type paint job, crome wheel simulators etc . It is still an old beauty and I have lots of people trying to flag me down at bus stops. I took out the 6V71 and 5 speed and put in a a rebuilt high output 6V92T with a 10 speed RTO roadranger transmission. I also installed Ross Integral PS. It performs like a big pickup now, gobs of power. The story goes that around 1986 it was stolen by some kids who crammed it between 2 trees in Beaconhill Park in Victoria and ICBC rebuilt it and it was then sold to Ron Colman. Can't verify that, it might just be an urban myth but it does have a recertification document saying that both side frames were rebuilt with 1 size larger steel members." Cary White (Parksville, BC)


602 Van. Island Coach Lines (BC) to Hustle Bus, Victoria, #? 79/4
Hustle Bus, Victoria Sold for non-PSV use 1986

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